Monday, September 15, 2008

Lookin' Back

I was going through all of my old pictures today.. I am really supposed to be putting stuff in storage so that we can sell our house.... but anyway... I came across some of these oldies that I wanted to post!!

1979: This is my cousin and me in my grandma's old claw bathtub... I wish my butt was still as cute!!

1979: I have always been a daddy's girl!! Maybe that is where my girls get it from!!

1996: My sister is the farthest left, my dad and then me on the right!!

1998: These are my favorite boys from high school... Eric Braithwaite (left) Jon Smith , Me and the ever- loving Cody Bakken(right) Doesn't he look like he is having the time of his life!?!?!?? We met up in Las Vegas one summer to hang out!

1998: These are my old roommates from college!! Kristen(left), Emily, Denise and Me (far right!!) We went to Balboa Beach to the fire pits to goof around!! Loads of fun!!! By the way Denise does not look a day older now then she did in this picture.... 10 years ago!!!!


Unknown said...

ok, the one of you in pink/red w/your dad holding you... J.J.
Seriously, you look just like her there! Fun update! I always do stuff like this when I'm supposed to be de-junking/organizing... it's hard not to!

emily said...

I can't believe it! I came across your blog from a comment you left on Denise's! I was just thinking about you because my husband & I just drove by Largo- do you remember going there? It's fun to see your blog & see what you've been up to. :)

Annalee and Buck said...

How funny! That's awesome, I love looking at old pictures and remembering the past. Your blog is adorable p.s. and your girls are beautiful!!

Denise said...

Okay! I look awful in that picture! Of all the pictures we have together you choose one with my eyes closed!? I also took that Vegas pic....great memories!!

Denise said...

oh, by the way, thanks for the compliment! =)

Braithw8 said...

Jess- That is awesome I hadn't seent that picture in years. Cody still hasn't changed his expression either.